Carpathia IV: Episode 270 - Wrestling

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Underway once again, this time, hopefully, with no demigod surprises. Never did a quiet stroll down the corridors feel so good. Amenaru and Kit walked hand-in-hand toward the atrium.

Amenaru: You really think I'm ready? Mikado doesn't lose easily.

Kit: Just remember what I taught you and you'll be fine. I do wonder about these fighting competitions he's always doing. He wouldn't last five seconds in any of my family's sparring matches.

Amenaru: Yeah, well your family goes in for the kill. I'm glad you got out of that.

Kit: Useful, in a way, I guess. Still, it means I can't participate in matches.

Amenaru: Yeah, you'd drag his fluffy butt all over the ring. Anyway, what do you think of our mission? I'm just looking forward to something low key. Nothing more than a cargo run and an astral survey.

Kit: You've been a bit on edge lately. The Stellar Sorcery game seemed to calm you a bit.

Amenaru: You think so? I guess I can't hide anything from you. Hopefully, I can work it all out by wrestling Mikado.

Kit: That's good. I'd rather that you are calmer when we're doing inventory on the sensor net equipment tomorrow.

Now, they approached the door of the atrium. The match would be starting soon.

Amenaru: Not to mention bridge duty. Anyway, enough of that. I've got a wrestle with Mikado to look forward to. Wish me luck!

The atrium doors parted with Amenaru and Kit passing through, still hand in hand.

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Though chairs were more comfy, bleachers were far more convenient for a place like the atrium, where their retractable nature made it easy for event organizers to set up temporary viewing for one-off events. Today, Amenaru vs. Mikado, and Teek got himself a seat on the highest level, next to Reylen, affording him a stellar view of the entire ring.

Reylen: I heard Kit has been training Amenaru for this.

Teek: If that's true, he'll be tough to beat, even for Mikado.

To his other side, Teek heard the unmistakable clatter of komodo claws hitting the bleachers, With a turn, he found Trex heading in his direction.

Trex: Is this seat taken?

Teek: Not at all!

Trex: Fabulous! I think you and I both know that it's better up where where we're not in danger of smacking our fat tails into someone behind us.

Trex planted her rear on the bench next to Teek, notably not hitting anyone behind her, as there was nobody there to hit, just as she said.

Teek: That's one reason. Either way, I like being up here.

Trex: Too right! Roasted beetle?

Trex held out a little bag, conspicuously labelled "popcorn" in Teek's direction, although it was not filled with popcorn. Inside was a selection of blackened beetles.

Teek: Thanks!

Teek reached in and took himself a handful of beetles and cheerily popped one in his mouth.

Trex: Oh, look! They're starting!

In the ring below, Shep stepped into the middle, holding a microphone.

Shep: Welcome everyone, to the first Shadowdancer wrestling event! In the...

Cheering and applauding drowned Shep out. He paused and smiled awkwardly until the noise died down.

Shep: Right, erm... In this corner, we have Mikado Skeyes! And in...

Mikado entered the ring to raucous cheers and pumped his fist in the air while Shep mumbled to himself, unaware that his mic was still on.

Shep: Oh right, gotta wait.

After a solid minute of Mikado prancing and preening all over the ring, the cheers died down and Mikado returned to his corner.

Teek: I'm surprised you didn't want to be MC. You're better at this.

Trex: Oh, but he volunteered, don't you know! He wanted to be more a part of the crew. Go easy on him! It's his first time.

Teek started having flashbacks to his early days of the ship. The insecurity. The jealousy. Not to mention the fight in the sento. As he considered his own journey, Shep being awkward and clumsy was a dawdle by comparison and the initiative he took here sparked a rising respect from him.

Teek: You're absolutely right. He's doing a great job.

Shep: And in this corner, we have Amenaru Pendergast!

This time, Shep stopped at the appropriate moment for the audience to cheer and Amenaru to make his equally exorbitant entrance.

Teek: And both of them are wearing nothing but underwear with the butt cut out. Don't know why I expected anything else.

Trex: So, who are you rooting for?

Teek: Definitely Amenaru. Don't get me wrong. Mikado is my friend, but I think he needs a good pasting once in awhile.

Trex: Yes, I saw the match where he beat you a few days ago.

Teek: He kissed me! That's cheating!

A few days ago...

Trex: Yes, well, he already had you flat on your back. Anyway, Amenaru is a solid bet. I heard that Kit has been training him. If that's so, Mikado is in for a fight.

It wasn't easy to have a conversation while things happened in the ring. Now, with the fist-pumping and introductions over, Shep called Amenaru and Mikado to start.

Shep: Competitors to your positions! Let's see, it says here no tail-pulling, no ear pulling. Seems that's it.

Amenaru and Mikado faced each other, each doing their pre-match rituals, with Amenaru tip-tapping between his two feet and Mikado stretching and wibbling his head about, sending his ears flopping around everywhere. Shep, between the two, took a glance back and forth at each and then blew his whistle.

Shep: Begin!

Shep darted backward while Amenaru and Mikado lunged at each other to the delight of the electrified crowed, cheering their every move. Teek jumped to his feet as well and cheered on Amenaru:

Teek: Get him, Amenaru! Git 'im!

Not that anyone could hear Teek, aside from the people nearby, for the rest of the shouting going on. By now, Teek limited himself to generic cheers when something interesting happened, for his voice was in danger of becoming hoarse from the shouting. The rest of the crowd, still energized, mind, were a bit less vocal than before. It was now even possible to carry on a conversation, albeit a simple one at raised volume.

Trex: You know Teek, I've been keeping up to date with your scythe training. I think you'd be a good candidate for security training.

The match continued, but Teek, now distracted whipped his head in Trex's direction.

Teek: What's that again?

Trex: Security training. You don't have to decide right now, of course, but I'd like to have a meeting with you about that. Time to start thinking about where you want to go next, after all. You can't stay on helm forever.

Teek slowly lowered his bum back onto the bleacher bench, keeping one eye on the match and the other on Trex.

Teek: Sounds like that might be interesting. I shall have my people contact your people to arrange a date.

Trex giggled and put on her prissiest, poshest voice she could muster.

Trex: Oo! Well, I shall make sure I have Jeeves have some tea and crumpets ready for your arrival! For now, let us observe the contest! It would appear that Amenaru has Mikado in a bit of a spot, don't you know.

Teek returned his full attention back to the ring and, indeed, Amenaru was on top of a squirmy Mikado, desperately attempting to prevent himself from getting pinned.

Teek: Go Amenaru!


The match over, the trophy delivered, and now, with Amenaru off the podium, Mikado came to give him his proper congratulations.

Mikado: Great match! I have to admit, you surprised me.

Amenaru put his arm around Kit and pulled him in tight.

Amenaru: I had a great trainer!

Mikado: Oh, Kit, would you be interested in a match?

Amenaru said nothing, but simply responded with a massive, toothy grin.

Mikado: Oh, I'd get my butt kicked from one end of the ship to the other?

Amenaru: He kicked a grown man straight through a cell door and kicked the crap out of a demigod-infused vashtari. He knows a thing or two.

Mikado: I'm intrigued. Maybe you can train me!

Kit: Only if you don't mind pain.

Amenaru: Yeah, he's brutal, but effective. Not like his dad, though. He was just evil.

Mikado: Ah, well, maybe just once to give it a try. I can teach you the scythe if you want.

Kit: Sounds like a fair trade.

From there, the three casually strolled to the atrium shops to get something to eat and discuss a training date.

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