Carpathia IV: Episode 258 - Teachers

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Certainly, Hana was the most unusual guest that Aire ever had in his ready room. Of course, the polite thing to do would be to offer Hana a drink, but he wasn't even sure how that would work. A glass of manjo juice with a sprig of mint on the glass. Hana took the mint leaf and simply pressed it upon his chest. Bit by bit, it absorbed into his body and dissolved. Perhaps more interesting was the drink itself. Similar to before, he pressed the glass up against his body and while he was able to consume the ice and liquid, the glass itself remained entirely unscathed. Either the cytos were able to exercise a certain amount of control about what they ingested or their bodies automatically filtered out non-food items. Aire guessed the former was most likely

Aire: Are you enjoying that?

Hana: Strange sensation, but I like it. Your ship is a little warm and this gives me a cool feeling.

Aire couldn't help but notice that this wasn't the usual bouncy, overenthusiastic Hana he'd seen before, the one who bounced clear across the bridge and splat himself onto the forward window during their last visit. His speech, though adept, was halting. Entirely understandable given that they had only just met a couple of years ago. Still, where was the unbridled enthusiasm?

Admiral Zhang: It's so good to finally meet you in person. I have to admit, I expected you to be more, how shall I say, excitable?

Hana wibbled a bit, but his facial expression did not change. It was then that Aire realized that using one's face to express emotion would be an alien concept to a cyto. Any facial expression he made would have to be deliberate rather than instinctual.

Hana: I wanted... to impress you.

Aire: You may consider us very impressed. Please feel free to be yourself. We like you that way too.

Hana: I will try, but I am also getting used to this form. It's not easy, you know.

Admiral Zhang: You can change back any time if you get tired.

Hana: I will, sometime. This is good practice.

Admiral Zhang: As you like. Before we relax a bit, there's something I would like to know. While designing the race course, we mentioned that it's very important that nobody enter the course during the race. Do you think that all the cytos will follow that rule?

Hana: I believe they will. You made the danger clear.

Admiral Zhang: Good. Sorry for nagging. We don't want anyone getting hurt and we will stop the race immediately if anyone gets on the course.

Hana: I understand. We will spread the word again before the race.

Aire: We appreciate the help. What would you like to do next?

Hana: Where is Kit? I haven't seen him yet.

Aire: Ah! That would be Shuttle Bay 2. He's working with the race team crews. Shall we go?

Hana gave a stone faced nod, though his body wibbled with delight.

Admiral Zhang: I think we can take that as a yes. Lead the way, Aire.

Shuttle Bay 2, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

The journey from the ready room all the way back to the shuttle bay went slower than Aire expected. Hana didn't walk exactly, but propelled himself forward in more of a shuffle. Either he hadn't enough practice in this form or his anatomy only allowed for limited movement. Aire and Admiral Zhang matched his speed and made no mention of his slowness.

Hana became so much more excited as they approached the shuttle bay that he was evidently starting to have trouble keeping his new form. Throughout all the wibbles, several of the finer details of his body, notably the simulation of the hair, popped and became smooth. Each time he quickly rectified the malfunction, but they became more frequent the closer they got. When they got to the door to the bay, Aire wasted no time in opening it for fear that Hana might explode at any moment. With a raucous clank, the door heaved open and they stepped inside.

Aire: Sorry to disturb you, everyone, but we have a guest!

Many pairs of eyeballs looked up from around the skiffs, quickly turning to surprised faces when they caught sight of Hana, not knowing what to make of him.

Hana: Kit!

Hana put his arms out and, not a shuffle anymore, but more hobbled toward Kit, his best mimicry of a run. Finally, dawning comprehension rose over the skiff crews, including Kit, who was now jogging across the shuttle bay to meet Hana. As they came together, a meter apart, Hana wibbled with joy while Kit looked him up and down with a befuddled expression.

Hana: I've been practicing! Do you like it?

Aire's best guess, judging from Kit's expression, was that he felt unsure. Nevertheless, Kit smiled and gave Hana an enthusiastic nod.

Kit: That is very impressive!

Hana threw his arms around Kit in a big hug.

Hana: I'm glad you like it!

Hana released Kit and stepped back, the wibbles now gone.

Hana: I've been holding this form for a long time. Would it trouble you if I changed back?

Kit: Not at all if it makes you feel comfortable.

Only a few seconds elapsed, if even that, for Hana to de-morph back into his familiar shape.

Hana: Oh, thank you. That was hard, but I really wanted you to see what I can do!

Kit: You don't have to strain yourself. We like you just as you are.

Hana back to his blobby self, gave Kit two little bounces. As impressive as his transformation was, he preferred him this way, in his natural state.

Hana: Thank you! I'm very happy to see you again.

With Hana successfully passed to Kit, Aire strolled casually over to the skiffs to see how things were going. Parts everywhere, but now with an eye towards reassembly, for the skiffs no longer looked gutted. Only half so. Quenya wasn't hard to find, in the middle of a consultation with Team 2.

Quenya: Captain! Come for an update?

Aire: As you were, Quenya. I don't want to disturb you.

Quenya: Not at all! We were just finishing up here. Just give me a moment.

Quenya turned back to her team, all still listening attentively.

Quenya: Alright, so you have a plan to finish up, then?

Mikado: Ready to go, Chief!

Quenya: Good! Don't disappoint me!

Aire stifled a giggle while Team 2 jumped up and scurried back onto their skiff like flies on poop. Quenya gave them all one last look to make sure they were on task and then scurried to greet Aire.

Quenya: I'm glad you're here, Captain! It's a bit of a crunch getting everything done on time, but I think we'll make it.

Aire: Good to hear. You seem to have them all wrapped around your finger.

Quenya: Ah, well, you know... I have a good teacher.

Aire: I know you did. Still, you have taken to her teaching well. I see everyone is working hard.

Quenya looked over her shoulder, panning across the teams diligently digging into their skiff parts.

Quenya: They can work well when properly motivated. I want to win, you know.

Aire: I understand perfectly. Now, if you don't mind, let's step over here.

Aire directed Quenya to an empty area of the shuttle bay. With the cacophony of tool noise clamoring behind them, privacy was assured, despite being entirely in the open.

Aire: Alright, you know how it all is. Which team do you suggest? I have to choose soon.

Quenya: Oh, Captain! Inside information? How very dare you!

With a tip of his head, Aire delivered a smirk that told Quenya that he wasn't kidding. She pondered a moment before answering.

Quenya: Okay, okay. I won't tell you which to pick, but I can run down what they're going for. Team one is focusing on top speed, hoping to make up ground on the straighter sections. Team two is going for cornering ability. Team three has less top speed than the first, lousy cornering, but good acceleration. I'm not sure what to think of Reylen and Shep's team. They're trying to have it all, but I'm not confident at all that their skiff will withstand the race. Those engines are going to be really squirrelly. Unconventional modifications for sure, but they have experience getting out of tight spots, so I'm leaving them to it.

Aire: So, we got speed, cornering, acceleration, and wild card. Hard choice indeed.

Quenya: I'm sure you'll pick what's best for you.

Aire: I certainly will. I'll let you get back to work now. It looks like Nalma is doing something sketchy with that power cell.

Quenya's eyes widened as her head whipped around to Team 3. Quickly, she stomped toward Nalma with her hands clenched.

Quenya: Hey, carrots-for-brains! You can't handle a power cell like that!

With a giggle, Aire turned and headed out of the shuttle bay, back to the bridge and away from Quenya's little fiefdom.

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