Carpathia IV: Episode 259 - Territory

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Aire gazed out of the window at the Shadowdancer's near-twin, resting nearby. Together, a person would have to look hard to see the differences and, on the outside, the only way to tell was the extra weapon systems on the Shadowdancer. She was, indeed, a pretty ship, perhaps because of the slightly simpler design. As Aire watched, a shuttle popped out of the rear and quickly made a turn toward Shadowdancer.

Darius: Captain Tyler has departed Chrono Blade and is on her way here.

Aire: Very good. I shall attend the shuttle bay presently. Commander Joust, the bridge is yours.

Joust: I'll hold down the fort, Captain!

Shuttle Bay 2, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Aire arrived in the shuttle bay, joining Admiral Zhang, just as Captain Tyler's shuttle touched down after coming into the side of the skiff racers and parking behind them. After a moment, the door opened and Ivy emerged first, followed by Teren and several of the other Chrono Blade crew.

Ivy: It's good to see you again, Admiral. Aire, I'm looking forward to an exciting race.

Aire: Of course, Ivy. May the best team win.

Aire had to say that last part through gritted teeth and hoped that Ivy didn't notice. That, however, was all forgotten when Teren stepped forward.

Aire: So good to see you again, Teren! How is Chrono Blade life treating you?

Teren: I should say that my experience on Shadowdancer has adequately prepared me for this assignment.

Aire: I'm sure you're keeping busy.

Teren: Not much has changed.

Aire: I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

Teren: I prefer to stay busy. For now, I would like to visit Kit, if you will permit me.

Aire: Of course. He is on the bridge. I'm sure you know the way.

Teren: Thank you, Captain.

With a nod and a little bow, Teren strode purposefully to the shuttle bay exit, leaving Aire with Ivy and her two officers.

Ivy: So, Aire, rumor has it that you have a cadet managing your skiff teams.

Before Aire could answer, a familiar voice boomed out from the skiff pits.

Quenya: Hey! That's "Chief" to you!

Aire grinned while Ivy looked back and forth between him and the skiffs behind her.

Aire: Careful, Ivy. You're in Quenya's territory now.

Admiral Zhang: Shall we move this conversation elsewhere, then?

Ivy: One moment, if you don't mind. Aire, apologies for the last minute request, but I would like to introduce you to my Chief Engineer, Sauron Kaht, and Deputy Chief Engineer, Atuso Tatsunaga.

Sauron: Pleasure to meet you, Captain.

Atsuo: Lovely ship you have, Captain.

Aire tried to keep an open mind, but at the same time, he was skeptical.

Aire: Thank you very much.

Ivy: If your Chief Engineer is willing, they would love a little tour of your engine room to see your own modifications.

Aire: Minnie loves to show off her engines. We can stop down there and then head up to my quarters after. Sound good?

Ivy: I like that. Shall we go?

Aire's Quarters

As Aire predicted, Minnie was quite pleased to show off her engines, and probably do quite a bit of bragging. After leaving them in Engineering, Admiral Zhang, Aire, and Ivy, retired to Aire's quarters. With chairs taken and drinks filled, the three settled in for some small talk before getting down to business.

Ivy: I see you went with art deco for your quarters. Did you do the same with your ready room?

Aire: I did. I like a continuity of design between my office and quarters. I find it comforting.

Ivy: I went with retro industrial for my quarters. The designers did a good job simulating exposed brick. A terrestrial look makes me feel more grounded.

Aire: I would like to see that sometime.

Admiral Zhang: Alright, since our business is short, let's get that out of the way first and then we can socialize.

Aire: I presume this will be about the race rules.

Admiral Zhang nodded while producing two tablets, handing each to Aire and Ivy.

Admiral Zhang: Standard race rules. I want you each to sign and pass along to your teams. We'll be doing ten laps around the planet on the prescribed course. No intentional bumping. There is the standard red flag for a racer in distress. All skiffs must shut down immediately if that is displayed, but we will also be using that if a cyto wanders onto the racetrack.

Ivy: Sensible.

Admiral Zhang: One more thing that isn't in your tablets. Call it an honor agreement. I don't want to hear anything about pre-race espionage. I want a clean race.

Admiral Zhang's eyes narrowed in her last sentence as she cast a steely gaze at Ivy. Aire wondered if it might be his imagination, but he could swear he had just watched Ivy's hair curl right before his eyes.

Ivy: Oh no! Who would do such a thing?

If there had been any doubt before, that Ivy's voice suddenly went up several octaves confirmed what he already suspected. Sauron and Atsuo were most likely brought not to tour, but gather information about Shadowdancer's teams. Though slightly annoyed, Aire felt no worry. Minnie would not be duped easily.

Admiral Zhang: Indeed who. Just a formality, really. I wouldn't expect anyone to do such a thing.

Ivy: Of course not!

Aire: I agree to all terms.

Aire picked up a stylus and put his signature on the tablet.

Ivy: I agree as well.

Ivy signed hers as well. Once she finished, her eyes met Aire's and each instinctively reached out and shook hands together.

Aire: Let's have a good race.

Ivy: I look forward to much excitement.

Admiral Zhang: I am glad we are settled. The race begins tomorrow at 0900.

Shuttle Bay 1, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Captain Tyler said her goodbyes to Admiral Zhang and Aire before meeting her engineering staff by her shuttle. Quickly, she ducked inside and closed the door.

Sauron: I'm sorry, Captain. We couldn't get any information about the skiff teams out of Commander Calloway.

Atsuo: Honestly, I think she was suspicious of us straight from the beginning.

Ivy plopped into her chair with a deep sigh and waved her hand in their faces.

Ivy: No, no, never mind. Frankly, it's better that you didn't find out anything. Admiral Zhang had me sussed right away and I just embarrassed myself.

Sauron and Atsuo exchanged glances, wordlessly having a conversation with each other. Finally, Sauron shrugged and decided to hazard just a bit more info.

Sauron: There is one thing we learned that does not fall into the category of espionage.

Ivy sat up straight, her weariness evidently melting away.

Ivy: I'm listening.

Atsuo: Quenya may be a cadet, but we shouldn't underestimate her. Commander Calloway clearly has considerable confidence in her abilities.

Ivy: Noted. They are certainly letting her have full dictatorial reign over the shuttle bay. We have our own advantages though. Winning would be nice, but having our teams be first, second, third, and fourth would be great, don't you think?

Sauron: We are certainly capable, but they're not going to make it easy on us.

Ivy: Very true. Teren, take us out.

Teren: Yes, Captain.

Teren took the pilot seat and started the engines.

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