Carpathia IV: Episode 260 - Start!

Shuttle Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Fifteen minutes until race start. It was enough time for Aire to pay one last visit to the shuttle bay. After passing through the doors, what he found was surprisingly mundane. Last minute checks on the skiffs. Pilot and navigator teams tucked away in their corners going over strategy. It didn't look much different from the previous days. Aire expected that Quenya might be giving them all a rousing speech or something, but it was not to be. For her part, Quenya appeared to be done consulting, standing far back from the line of skiffs with her arms folded across her chest.

Aire: Hello, Quenya. We're all ready?

Quenya did not turn or make any move at all, still as a statue, gazing upon her crew with wistful serenity.

Quenya: It's all up to them now. My job is done. One of the first things I learned working on Mom's race team is to not bother the racers before the start. They all have their own way of honing their concentration and something like a big, dumb speech that nobody cares about will just break that.

Aire thought that there might be a lesson for him in there. For a time, he stood next to Quenya in silence, watching as the teams closed up the last of the hatches and the pilots and navigators gathered around the open cockpits. A tense atmosphere and the big clock on the screen over the bay doors counting down to the start did not help.

Aire: I'll be heading up to the big screens in the atrium. You'll be staying here?

Quenya: I'll be monitoring the condition of our skiffs from one of the consoles here.

Aire: Very good. No matter how the race goes, we are all proud of you.

Aire put his hand on Quenya's shoulder and gave it a father-like squeeze and shake before turning to head to the atrium.

Quenya: Captain!

Aire stopped and looked back.

Quenya: Sorry that I got a little too intense on this job. I'm grateful that you selected me for this.

Before Quenya got through her first sentence, Aire was already shaking his head.

Aire: No apologies necessary. This was your first command. You'll find what works best for you in time. For now, excellent work and good luck.

Quenya: Thank you, Captain!

Aire nodded with a smile and continued on his way.

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

The one-minute countdown approached as Aire entered the atrium. He expected that the gathered crew would be focused on the giant holographic projector and screens at the back end and he could just slip in and take a seat without disrupting the proceedings. His hopes were quickly dashed, futile as they were, when someone noticed him and all eyes turned his way. Aire let fate take over and let them usher him toward the front. Quickly, mind, for he didn't just want to make sure that nobody missed the start of the race, he sure as hell didn't want to miss it either.On the stage next to the holo display was Trex, wearing a mic and headphone set.

Trex: Gather 'round, gather 'round, everyone! We're almost at the one-minute countdown. Let's hope our racers are ready down in the shuttle bay!

The audience moved in closer, tightly packed as if they were at a concert while Aire circled around to the front where he found a chair waiting for him. The holo display showed the Shadowdancer's skiffs resting in the shuttle bay while one of the screens above showed the sterns of the Shadowdancer and Chrono Blade, parallel to each other, facing the racecourse.

Trex: We're all just tickled you're here, Captain! Have a seat!

Aire: Thank you, Trex, but I think I prefer to stand.

Trex: Can't hardly blame you. I think everyone does, right?

A cheer erupted from the crowd while the clock ticked down to the final minute. On the holo display, one of the skiffs rose from the deck and inched toward the edge of the bay.

Trex: And we're under a minute! It looks like Sylvar and Nalma are a little antsy to get going!

The crowd murmured with few cheers coming from the throng, which did not please Aire. On the display, two more skiffs rose and drifted to the starting line.

Trex: Looks like we got two more! Shep and Reylen followed by Teek and Baal.

Still few cheers and Aire was not having this. He faced the crowd and waved his hands as though conducting a lively part of an orchestra performance. The crew fast got the hint and the cheers and applause erupted from the entire atrium.

Trex: Twenty seconds! Could Ramei and Mikado be having some trouble?

As soon as Trex finished, the final skiff rose from the deck and made for the starting line. Without any assistance from Aire this time, the crowd roared.

Trex: No troubles! Team Shadowdancer is all raring to go! Ten seconds to the start!

The clock ticked down and, at first, a few shouted out the numbers as they passed. By the time they got halfway, everyone joined in, including Aire.

Trex and Aire: Five! Four! Three! Two! One!

One second, the skiffs were there, hovering in the center of the holo display, and the next, they were gone. For a moment, all eyes were on the big screen as the little skiffs funnelled their way to the race course, until the the holo display switched to follow them.

Trex: They're off! I see that they're packing in awfully tight as they enter the course! Let's hope that they can all get though the first turn clean!

Indeed, the skiffs got closer and closer to each other, each aiming to be the first into the turn. They jockeyed around, vying for position, up, down and side to side, all eight just inches away from at least one other skiff. Somehow, miraculously, they all entered the course with no apparent damage.

Trex: It looks like it's gonna be Reylen and Shep into the turn first!

A deafening cheer erupted from the crowd.

Trex: Kau and Revenant from the Blade are in second place!


Trex: With Teek and Baal hot on their tail!


Reylen and Baal's Skiff

Reylen: How are those engines?

Shep: A little hot, but holding. 90-degree downangle ahead!

Reylen: I see it!

Reylen pushed the controls, sending the skiff into a sharp dive into a short straightaway.

Shep: Readings aren't good. I hope we don't get any red flags because I don't know if we're going to be able to get this thing started again.

Reylen: One problem at a time!

Teek and Baal's Skiff

Teek: He's weaving too much for me to get around!

Baal: We have a 90-degree downangle coming up. Can you take advantage of that?

Teek: I think I can!

Teek raised the skiff's nose above Kau's in set up for the downangle turn. Then, just as the turn came, he slammed his controls forward, ducking under the skiff underneath the one ahead. Kau, one step ahead, blocked him, sticking his thrusters just inches away from Teek and Baal's windscreen.

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Trex: Oo, nice play from Teek and Baal, but they were denied!

Aire balled up his fists and cursed under his breath. Still, the little skiffs in the holo display played cat and dinosaur with each other, with Kau weaving skillfully to block Teek's passage.

Trex: Respect for Kau and Revenant for their maneuvering, but their shenanigans are costing them a shot at first place! All that swishy swashing around is letting Reylen and Shep widen their lead!

Trex zoomed on the lead skiff.

Trex: Reylen and Shep are making their skiff do things I didn't think a skiff could do! The fourth place team seems to be catching up to second and third! Ramei and Mikado are certainly gathering some steam back there! Following them are three more Blade skiffs and then in the rear is Sylvar and Nalma. Could they be having a problem? Someone get Amenaru's dinky butt over here! We need a color commentator!

Aire immediately looked into the crowd, raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Then, he pointed at the door and then back to the stage. A few of the crew, particularly in the back, got the idea and ran out to call Amenaru to the Atrium.

Trex:Red flag! Red flag! Cyto on the course! All skiffs automatically shut down!

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