Carpathia IV: Episode 263 - Victory Lap

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Aire arrived in the atrium with the also-ran teams in tow to find the party already in full swing. Ramei and Mikado were up on stage getting their well-deserved accolades from Trex and adoring crowd.

Trex: Make way for Captain Valro and Commander Joust!

The crowd turned and cheered, an accolade Aire did not feel he deserved. That was for the racers, so he stood aside to allow everyone to see the other teams, giving them a hearty clap. As he did, the crowd parted, allowing him to pass through. He did, with Joust at his side, followed by the other teams and, coming up behind, Admiral Zhang and Sorchae.

Amenaru: Admiral Zhang and Dr. Teagan too! Come join us!

Aire and the others climbed the steps to the stage, where Amenaru immediately presented him with a microphone.

Aire: Apologies for being late to the party, but I wanted to thank the other teams. Please give them a big cheer!

And a big cheer they gave, bringing smiles all around to the also-ran teams, even Nalma.

Aire: Our winners, Ramei and Mikado! Great job out there! We should have a trophy made.

Another cheer, this time interspersed with giggles.

Aire: Admiral Zhang, would you like to say something?

Admiral Zhang nodded and took the mic that Aire offered.

Aire: Thanks to all of you, the pilots, navigators, and engineers who worked on the teams! The race was exciting because of you! And, of course, a big congratulations to our winners!

Trex: Thank you, Admiral Zhang! Now the big question is where our big hero got off to. Anyone seen Quenya?

As though on cue, the atrium doors slid open and out came Quenya, looking pretty as a postcard, with a clean, unsullied uniform, a stark contrast to the grease-covered mess she had been over the last several days. Also a contrast to previous days was that her hair was neatly styled with her ponytail revived from its formerly frizzed state.

Trex: And there's the woman of the hour! Come, Quenya, come!

This time, without any prompting, the crowd parted again and Quenya made her way through, basking in the applause and waving to each side. When she finally mounted the stage, the cheers grew even louder.

Trex: Welcome, welcome, Quenya! We've been wondering where you were!

Quenya: Sorry I'm late. I thought I should get cleaned up before coming.

Trex: And you look fantastic! Tell me, what was it like watching the race?

Quenya: Hmmm... To tell the truth, I only remember bits and pieces. I was so focused on monitoring the teams that I didn't see much.

Trex: Oh, that's a shame, but your dedication knows no bounds!

Unbeknownst to Trex, Aire slowly approached from behind. Quenya, however, did notice, and gazed over her shoulder. Trex took the hint and spun around fast, knowing that it must either be Aire or Admiral Zhang coming. With a little bow, Trex handed over her mic.

Aire: Quenya Vayhama, your first command may have been a bit shouty...

With that, there were giggles from the crowd while Quenya's ears turned red.

Aire: ...but your first command was a rousing success. Congratulations, Quenya. We're all very proud of you!

Quenya: Thanks to everyone who helped me!

Trex: Right, let's enjoy ourselves! There's food and drink and...

A communicator beep interrupted Trex, but not just an individual device. This tone sounded throughout the entire atrium.

Trex: Oh my, do we have a phone call? Let's see who it is!

A moment later, Kit's face appeared on all the big screens around the stage.

Kit: Hello everybody. Sorry I can't be there.

Trex: Quite alright, Kit! Someone has to keep things running after all. What do you have for us?

Kit: I have the Chrono Blade. Shall I put them on?

Trex: Of course! Of course!

With a nod, Kit disappeared from the screens and was replaced with a view of the Chrono Blade's atrium. Captain Tyler and the Blade teams stood at the front of the crowd. Riku, in particular, gave an exuberant wave to the screen.

Ivy: Captain Valro, Quenya, Ramei, and Mikado, allow me to congratulate you on your win!

Aire: Thank you very much, Ivy! Your teams fought well!

And now, Riku stepped forward, brazenly standing in front of Captain Tyler.

Riku: Hey, Ramei and Mikado! Fantastic job out there! I don't know how you got around us, but you surprised us! Nalma, Sylvar, great job! You kept us on our toes!

Teren stepped forward, pushing Riku aside.

Teren: It was good to see you again, Captain. I hope we can have another competition again in the future.

Aire: I think you can bet on it.

Ivy: See you again, Captain. We'll win next time.

Aire: Now that, you can't bet on!

Ivy: Until next time, Captain!

With that, the screens went blank and Aire turned back to his own crew.

Aire: We'll be ready for them, right?

A big cheer from the crowd while Trex stepped in once again.

Trex: Okay, then! We have food and drinks and entertainment! Enjoy yourselves!

The gathered crowd began to disperse, the mics and cheers replaced with nebulous chatter of hundreds of nascent conversations. Nearly everyone quickly paired off or formed little social groups. All but Nalma, who stood at the end of the stage, looking very annoyed. Amenaru approached him carefully, as though he were a hair-trigger bomb.

Amenaru: Hey, Nalma. You alright?

Amenaru had to train his ears toward Nalma, as he spoke barely above a whisper.

Nalma: Can't believe I lost to Riku. Again.

Amenaru: Third place is really good, especially with all the craziness in that last lap!

Nalma: Bah! Doesn't matter if I couldn't beat him! I hate him so much.

Amenaru scrunched up his face as he struggled to comprehend what he just heard.

Amenaru: Look I've met him and I saw his lovely message on the screen just now. He's a nice guy!

Nalma: I know! He's impossible to hate! And that's why I hate him!

Amenaru sighed heavily, his only thought that Nalma has gone two carrots short of a bushel.

Amenaru: Nalma, I say this as a friend. You need to get a grip. It's a game.

Nalma hunched over and let out enough air from his body to fill a balloon.

Nalma: You're right. You're right. I don't know why he gets to me so much. I need to just enjoy the party and forget about that for awhile.

Amenaru: Right. Let's get some food in you. That'll make you feel better.

Nalma: Yeah, it will.

Nalma straightened himself up and joined Amenaru toward the buffet table.

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