Carpathia IV: Episode 262 - Winners

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

If any of the spectators thought that the racers might settle into a groove and play it safe in the middle laps, they were delighted that this didn't happen. Every course position, hard-fought. Every lap, tense. Despite it all, not much changed on the course. First and second swapped places several times, as did third and fourth. Fifth and sixth made moves on the teams ahead a few times, but to no avail. The biggest shift, as the race neared the start of the last lap, was that Reylen and Shep were only on their fifth lap.

The race was only half the fun, however. Aire, unwittingly, was putting on the other show and the crowd found great amusement in watching him twitch, hop up and down, and chew on his nails. Trex and Amenaru continued with their announcing and didn't notice, or, perhaps, pretended not to notice Aire's antics.

Trex: Final lap! We have Kau and Revenant in first, Teek and Baal in second! Third and fourth are battling it out shortly behind!

Amenaru: Though the third and fourth place teams had better watch out! Their maneuvering against each other is slowing them down and the fifth and sixth place teams are catching up. Ramei and Mikado, currently in sixth place, might have a shot of getting into a podium finish!

Trex: It's the last lap and the drivers are going to start getting aggressive! Anything can happen!

Teek and Baal's Skiff

Teek and Baal ducked and weaved with their skiff, always inches away from Kau and Revenant, but they gave no opening to pass. Teek gripped the yoke tight, his knuckles turning white, as he looked for Kau to give any quarter that he could take advantage of.

Teek: I can't get anything on him!

Baal: 60-degree turn to port coming, 10-degree downangle.

Teek: I'm taking him there!

Baal: What? No! It's too narrow!

But Teek was already making his move, an attempt to slip under Kau's skiff. Too late did he discover that Baal was right. The top of their canopy bumped hard against Kau's underside. Not direct contact, mind, for the shield provided a buffer, but it was enough to knock both entirely out of control. Warning lights lit up the console like a circus. Alarms blared. Ignoring all of those, Teek attempted to wrestle control of the skiff back, a daunting task.

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Trex: Collision! We have a collision between the first and second place teams! Both are trying to regain control! Oh, that's gotta smart!

Amenaru: The course shielding will prevent the skiffs from entering into areas occupied by cytos, so the good news is they will be safe.

Trex: Yellow flag, so the race is still on! I'm sure the other racers will attempt to take advantage of this. What's the status of our two wrecks?

Amenaru: Engine damage on both. Teek and Baal lost one of their wings, but that won't matter. Hull integrity and life support are fine on both. Life readings are strong.

Trex: Our pilots and navigators are okay and the race is still on!

Amenaru: It's going to get squirrelly in a minute. The others have to find their way through this mess and, with a little luck and skill, we could see some major lead shifts.

Ramei and Mikado's Skiff

Back in sixth place, Mikado watched the unfolding drama on his nav screen.

Mikado There's been an accident with first and second place! Those two skiffs are all over the place!

Ramei: Could be an opportunity for us if we get some luck!

Mikado: I can't predict any trajectories. You'll have to wing it.

Ramei: That's what I'm good at! Let's mow through this shit!

Ramei slammed his pistol-grip throttle forward and the skiff rocketed toward the chaos while Mikado, seated behind maybe, probably peed himself just a little.

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

The holo display and the screens showed various teams on the course, but it was nearly impossible to ascertain what was going on. Teek's and Kau's skiffs tumbled chaotically while the four places behind them ducked and weaved, simultaneously trying to get ahead and avoid crashing themselves. It was Ramei and Mikado, however, who managed to find a hole in all the chaos and punch through.

Trex: The sixth place team has found a gap! Ramei and Mikado are in fifth...fourth... they're past Teek and Kau into second! Oh no, it looks like Riku, formerly in third place, managed to stay ahead of them!

Amenaru: The good news is that there have been no further crashes. Teek and Kau will have to settle with whatever they can get now. There's no way they'll catch up to our leaders.

Trex: Looks like Nalma has sewn up third place for now with the other two Blade skiffs in fourth and fifth! We're getting close to the final straight to the finish!

Ramei and Mikado's Skiff

Ramei: We're through, but we still got Riku in front of us. What's next, Mikado?

Silence, but only for a second or two. In a skiff race, an eternity.

Ramei: MIKADO!!!

Mikado: Oh! Right... sorry. Erm... The chicane is next and then the final straight.

Ramei: Perfect! Now it's time to show that snotty little jizz-covered dinosaur what experience looks like!

At the chicane, the two skiffs weaved through and Ramei waited for his moment. It came when Riku cut one of the curves a little too close, leaving him badly set up for the next. Ramei gunned the engines and passed on the outside, then darted to the inside on the next turn.

Atrium, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Trex: Ramei and Mikado are in first! We're in first!

Amenaru: A great feat considering that Riku has more power than they do. Ramei is showing off his skills! He's going to have a hard time keeping Riku from going around him on the final straight.

Ramei and Riku were the only ones on the holo display and the screens for the final leg. Riku tried in vain to pass, but Ramei kept him right on his six for the entire way, denying him a shot at passing.

Trex: Ramei and Mikado win! Riku comes in close behind in second with Nalma and Sylvar in third!

But Trex could hardly be heard for the cheer that erupted through the crowd with Aire in particular jumping up and down like a little kid.

Trex: Everyone hang tight right here! We're going to the shuttle bay to greet the winners and we'll bring them here for their rightful accolades! Captain, shall we...

But Aire was not there. Trex looked to and fro, impressively swivelling her head around backwards, but he was, indeed, gone.

Amenaru: Looks like he's already left. We can go without him.

Shuttle Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

It was pandemonium in the shuttle bay and the skiffs, victorious and otherwise, hadn't even arrived yet. Though not part of the race, the crowd cheered when Trex and Amenaru entered and they cheered back. Aire, they found, was already there along with Joust and Admiral Zhang. Amenaru pointed to the open bay door and the crowd turned in unison. Outside, little specks, only distinguishable from the asteroids by how fast they were moving, grew larger as they approached.

Trex: Make way! Make way everyone! Clear the landing area!

Trex muscled her way through the crowd, shooing everyone toward the back of shuttle bay. The skiffs were already clearly visible now and the first, Sylvar and Nalma, followed by Teek and Baal, lead the victorious team into the shuttle bay. Each took positions to the side, allowing Ramei and Mikado to take center position. Where were Reylen and Shep? Not back yet, still nursing their glitchy craft off of the race course.

Ramei and Mikado's canopy opened first and, rather than a triumphant emergence with hands in the air, soaking up the cheers, they comically struggled to extricate themselves, a byproduct of the compact nature of the skiffs. They finally managed to slide themselves out and were greeted with deafening cheers when their helmets came off. The other two canopies opened, initiating the same awkward exit ritual while, finally, Reylen and Shep returned, parking themselves behind the victors.

Trex: Welcome back, Ramei and Mikado! Let's get you to the atrium for your well-deserved bask in glory! Captain, I presume you'll be joining us?

Aire: You go on ahead. I'll be there shortly.

Trex: In that case, let's go!

Not that either Ramei or Mikado had to walk, for several picked them both up and carried them out of the shuttle bay. Remaining behind were the other skiff teams and others who were really not keen on noisy environments.

Shep: Captain! Sorry, but it looks like our little scheme didn't work out.

Aire: No need to apologize. You gave it a good try. I have a feeling that the engineering staff will want to study your skiff most of all.

Reylen: Well, that's something, I suppose. We're disappointed for sure, but we knew we were taking a risk.

Aire: We're proud of you, regardless. That goes for all of you! Great work! You made the Blade crew work for every inch!

Joust: And it was fun to watch!

Shep: Thank you, Captain. That means a lot.

Sylvar: I'm surprised you're down here with us.

Admiral Zhang: There will be plenty of time for the celebration. We thought it would be important to spend a little time with you.

The teams nodded in appreciation. All but Nalma, who didn't appear to be listening to anything at all.

Joust: You alright, Nalma?

If he heard Joust, it wasn't apparent, for Nalma kept his head down, shuffling himself in little circles grousing to himself.

Nalma: Stupid little horny dinosaur I'm gonna find away to get back at him one of these days...

Sorchae: Maybe we should let him stew for now. He'll be alright.

Aire: Oh, hello Sorchae. I didn't know you were here.

Sorchae: I heard that Teri was down here, so I came. Shall we head to the atrium?

Admiral Zhang: Sounds good.

Admiral Zhang and Sorchae strolled away together and Aire couldn't help but catch part of their conversation as they left.

Sorchae: Exciting day.

Admiral Zhang: Yes, it was.

Sorchae: And I'm not even tired. Say, do you think Reylen would like for us to tie him up again? He might like that.

Admiral Zhang: Let's ask him later!

Aire gave his head a vigorous shake, as though whipping the words he'd just heard out of his skull. As if to put a final punctuation to that effort, he clapped his hands together once and spoke to the teams.

Aire: Right! Great job, everyone! Now let's go enjoy the party!

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