Carpathia IV: Episode 268 - Sugar Batty

Amenaru's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Baal and Phobos strolled through the rotunda together. This was, factually, what happened, but for anyone looking at them, they could be forgiven for thinking both of them were somehow one person, as Baal had his body squished against Phobos the entire time, arm wrapped around his chest. It didn't take long for Phobos to start getting squirmy.

Phobos: Baal, this is a little much. Even I need a little space.

At the very least, Baal did not argue, but Phobos thought his reaction was a bit extreme on the other end, as he immediately leaped an arm's length away.

Baal: Bwah! So sorry! I was just excited about your clean bill of health.

Phobos: I'm happy too, but let's meet in the middle. Hold hands and keep a little air between us, okay?

Baal: Ah, yes... well... Sure, that's reasonable.

Baal inched in close, bit by bit, as though Phobos might explode if he went too fast. Phobos's ears went flat as he waited Baal to finally hold out his hand.

Phobos: Were you this weird when we dated before I switched bodies?

Baal: Erm... Yes, after I came to my senses. You do remember what I was like before that. I suppose...

Baal paused, mid-sentence and, for a moment, his mouth stayed open as it was on his last syllable, but that did not last. While Phobos awaited a response, Baal gazed into his eyes before pitching his head up and scanning around him, spying a couch just a few meters away.

Baal: I think we should sit down.

Phobos nodded and Baal, finally taking his hand, lead him over to the couch.

Baal: I'm sorry. You're absolutely right. I didn't understand why I've been acting this way until just now. It's just...

Baal reached out and took both of Phobos's hands into his as a tear ran down his cheek.

Baal: I can't lose you again.

Baal hung his head low, keeping his face out of Phobos's view.

Baal: I thought I could be strong for you because you've been through such a traumatic experience. I can't imagine what it was like.

By now, Phobos was no longer keen to let Baal lead him around, either physically or in conversation. He pulled one hand away from Baal's grip and gently caressed his chin, raising his head back up. After a brief smile at Baal's soggy face, Phobos leaned in swiftly and kissed him.

They remained together for a solid minute and when Phobos leaned back again, he could only smile at Baal's shellshocked face before him.

Phobos: You're sweet to worry about me, but, I need you to work on being a normal boyfriend. Can you do that?

Baal didn't respond right away, continuing to gape at Phobos.

Baal: That was our second first kiss! You know, the first since you got your new body.

Phobos: Baaaaaaaal...

Baal: Ah, right. Sorry. Yes, I can work on being a normal boyfriend. I just need to focus on being how I was before you had the body swap.

Phobos: I appreciate that. I understand that you worry, considering what happened, but this is a great body.

Phobos paused, now looking a little sad himself.

Phobos: In fact, chances are that I will outlive you by centuries, assuming nothing happens to our ship.

Baal: In that case, we should make the most of the time we have. I guess I should say thank you for snapping me out of it. I was wallowing in what-ifs.

Phobos: Oh, I haven't asked. How was your Stellar Sorcery game?

Baal: Ha! Bad, but I still had fun. Sylvar and I lost the first game and then when the doctor showed up, she thrashed us all to little bits.

Phobos: Too bad. At least you had fun. I'd like to play against her.

In a moment, their attention turned elsewhere. Just outside of Phobos's considerable peripheral vision, he spotted something quite unusual. Tuomas and, of all people, Nalma with him, strolling side by side, each with a drink in hand, headed for one of the tables.

Phobos: Baal. Look at that!

Baal's eyebrows raised with interest and he looked in the direction that Phobos subtlely pointed.

Baal: Oh, Nalma and Tuomas. Unusual to see them together.

Earlier, in Tuomas's quarters

Surrounded by a tornado of art supplies, brushes laying haphazardly around, canvases strewn about in various stages of completion, at least a dozen bottles of brush cleaner scattered about, many of which had brushes sticking out of them, Tuomas sat on the floor, putting detailing one of his works. Normally, he'd be quite irritated indeed if he heard the door chime while working, but when it sounded this time, he was nearly finished. Just a few strokes left. Not much to interrupt.

Tuomas: Come in.

The door swished open and, to Tuomas's surprise, it was Nalma.

Nalma: Sorry for intruding. I hope you're not busy.

Tuomas: Nah. I was just finishing up. Just a couple more touches.

Tuomas leaned in close with his brush and, true as he said, dabbed at his painting for just a minute while Nalma waited patiently.

Tuomas: I might do some touchups later, but for now, I'm satisfied. Wanna see?

Nalma: Absolutely!

Tuomas scooted himself backward on the floor to give himself room to turn the painting around, pressing his back up against the couch. It was a wide painting, a good six feet across at least, and he had just barely enough room to turn it around.

Nalma glared at the painting in both awe and displeasure. A great painting, for sure, but at the same time, not fun to look at.

Nalma: Wow, that's some detail. And how did you get that black so... black?

Tuomas: It wasn't easy. You can buy paint blacker than that, but it's stupid expensive. I made my own.

Nalma: It may not be the expensive sort, but it's really good.

Nalma paused and, without invitation, sat on a nearby chair.

Nalma: I'm surprised you didn't tell me to go away.

Tuomas: Time for me to let the past go, I think. Easier to say that than do it. I don't hate you.

Nalma: I'll take that. I said to myself that if you didn't kick me out immediately, I'd ask if you'd like to go on the station and get a drink.

Tuomas: Oh... I just realized. What time is it?

Nalma: Almost 20:00. You have an appointment?

Tuomas: Ah, good. Not too late. Yes, I have a few hours before I meet with Joust.

Nalma: Late meeting!

Tuomas: 2-3 times a week, depending on his schedule, for sex. It's not a secret but it's not the kind of thing that comes up in casual conversation either.

Nalma sat where he was, mouth agape, scanning Tuomas's face for any hint that he might be kidding.

Nalma: I can't believe he asked you to do that.

Tuomas: Who said he asked me? It all started not long after I first came on the ship. He seemed a little restless, so I asked. I'm a civilian, so there are no command structure violations. And he's not paying me either, if you're thinking that. It's fun for both of us.

Nalma: Wow... You got yourself a sugar batty. Sort of... Without the gifts, anyway. I'm impressed. I don't think I would have thought of that in your position.

Tuomas: I'm still half tokki, but I think I have the full tokki libido. Mikado stops by a lot too, but he's more of a last minute sort of thing.

Nalma: I'm glad to hear that you're keeping busy. It can be tricky for tokki, half or not, to live amongst other species, less horny species.

Tuomas grunted to his feet and held up his arms, back arched, in a long, luxurious stretch.

Tuomas: Too right. Anyway, we should get going if I'm going to be back in time.

With a nod, Nalma rose from his chair and followed Tuomas out the door.

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