Carpathia IV: Episode 275 - Blade

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Amenaru trudged through the corridors of Deck 4, legs and feet protesting with every step.His shift was finally finished, having spent a full eight hours running up and down the ship double and triple-checking all major systems. Now, with the job done and work no longer occupying his thoughts, his mind fell into melancholy, especially since Kit was still on duty. He had nobody to go home to. There he stood in front of his own door, unable to muster any motivation to go inside. It would be quiet. Any noise he made would be of his own making. Unlike the last time he faced battle, there would be no Ms. Tiggywinkle to keep him company.

The last time he was on the bridge, he remembered that Baal wasn't there. Perhaps, Amenaru thought, he might provide some company and, without thinking, his feet began to carry him toward Baal's quarters. Still in a daze, and in front of Baal's door, he tapped the call button.

Baal: Come in.

Amenaru tapped the door control and they parted, allowing him in. Inside, he found Baal, who didn't even bother to look up at him, running a whetstone down the blade of a sword.

Amenaru: I didn't know you had a sword.

Still, Baal seemed to ignore him as he gently guided the whetstone down the blade with a grating, yet somehow satisfying scrape.

Baal: I have this, but I don't usually wear it. In fact, I've never worn it. Now seems like a good time, though. We have to be prepared for anything.

Amenaru: That's true.

Silence prevailed, aside from three more slides down the sword with the whetstone.

Baal You can sit if you like.

Amenaru: Actually, you seem busy. I should go.

Baal: No, I mean it. Sit. Don't mind my aloofness. I suspect you're feeling similar to me right now.

With a nod, Amenaru pulled up a nearby chair and sat.

Amenaru: Even you, huh?

Baal: I have moods too, you know. But you seem worse than I expected.

Amenaru let out a big sigh and slumped in his chair.

Amenaru: I had a chat with my parents before my shift. I probably told them more than I should about what's going on out here, but I don't think I told them anything classified. Either way, I don't care. I just want them safe.

Baal: Problem is, not many places to go.

Amenaru: Which is why I feel the way I do. If we don't win, even Tokkastra won't be safe.

Baal: It'll be a second chance, at least, but, yes, the future is uncertain, to say the least.

Baal slid the whetstone down his blade one more time and set it aside. He then held up his sword and peered down the blade at many angles. When he was finished, he plucked a single hair from his head.

Baal: Maybe it's finished. Let's find out. Lean in close and watch the hair carefully.

Amenaru did as he was told, getting his nose as close to the blade as he dared. Baal shifted one end of the hair to his finger tips and held the other end over the upturned blade of the sword. Slowly, he lowered it, adjusting the tip as it went. To Amenaru's wide-eyed astonishment, as the tip of the hair touched the razor edge, it split into two hairs as Baal pushed it through. Amenaru backed away, as though the blade itself could turn the very air into daggers.

Amenaru: Holy shit, I'd be scared of accidentally taking off my own head with that.

Baal stepped back and gave his sword a few swings, which only agitated Amenaru's nerves more.

Baal: If you aren't trained with it, yes, you're more likely to hurt yourself before you hurt anyone else. Trouble is, I am trained. Just not much. I never had much interest in it before now.

Amenaru took several steps back from the brandishing sword while Baal was talking.

Amenaru: Right, why don't you just put that away then.

Baal: I suppose I should.

Baal picked up his sheath and, while carefully eyeballing the sword tip and the sheath opening, carefully slid it in. Definitely not a sword master. Azrael, he knew, would have shoved his sword right in without so much as a glance.

Baal: Can't hurt anyone in there. There's actually a little notch built into the hilt that keeps it from falling out accidentally.

Amenaru: All the same, I don't think I want to come near it.

Just as Amenaru finished his sentence, the lights in Baal's quarters turned yellow.

Amenaru: Shit. We'd better go.

Not that Baal needed telling, for he was already on his feet, following Amenaru as they rushed to the bridge together.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

When the lift doors opened, Amenaru and Baal rushed to their chairs, finding everyone else had beaten them to the bridge. Aire sat in his chair, leaning forward toward a projection of Admiral Zhang on the holopad. Whatever conversation they were having appeared to be finishing up.

Admiral Zhang: I've got other ships on the way, but you and Chrono Blade will probably have to do the bulk of the work. Be careful. Zhang out.

Admiral Zhang disappeared from the screen while Aire directed his attention to Kit.

Aire: Kit, shipwide channel.

With a nod, Kit started tapping at his console.

Kit: Yes, Captain. Channel open.

Aire stood and pulled his uniform straight.

Aire: Attention crew. We have just received word that the Blood Agony has altered course and is heading directly for Cytosia. What's more is that all the other Vashta ships have fled the area. We don't know what they are planning, but it does not look good. Our orders are to evacuate as many cytos as possible from the planet.Await your orders from your superior officers. Aire out.

Kit: Comm closed, Captain.

Aire whirled his chair around to face the security console.

Aire: Trex, spread your security team all over the ship. We'll be squeezing in a lot of cytos in a hurry and we want to keep things moving and keep them out of trouble. Funnel them to the atrium first and we'll figure something out later if that fills up. Keep them out of Engineering.

Trex: Got it, Captain. I will convene with my team immediately.

Trex rushed to the lift and Shep was about to follow her before Aire stopped him.

Aire: Shep, I want you to assist Nalma on tactical. We need to be ready for Vashta ships and we might need to punch through that asteroid cluster around Cytosia.

Shep nodded and took his place opposite of Nalma.

Shep: Ready to assist, Captain.

Aire: Phobos, you're in charge of Shuttle Bay 1. Baal, Shuttle Bay 2. Go now.

Phobos: On our way, Captain.

Aire: Joust, Shuttle Bay 1. You'll be my eyes and ears down there.

Joust dropped from the ceiling and rushed to join Phobos and Baal in the lift.

Joust: I'll keep you informed, Captain.

Aire: Amenaru, keep an eye on all systems. If the cytos damage anything, your job is to track down the source.

Amenaru: I'll keep a close watch, Captain.

Aire: Kit, contact food services and have them send as much food and drink to the atrium as possible.

Kit: Contacting services, Captain.

Aire: I suppose we'll have to find out how these guys use the toilet.

Kit: Message from Admiral Zhang, Captain. The admiralty has a planet for us to take them to. It's well out of the way of the Blood Agony's flight path.

Aire: Relay to helm. Have that at the ready, Teek, in case we need to make a fast getaway.

Teek: I'll have that on standby, Captain.

Aire: That's it for now. Stay alert, everyone. We will have to be at our most efficient.

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