Carpathia IV: Episode 272 - Cadets

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Aire: The Blood Agony has arrived and it is on a direct course for Berengaria. We, along with the nearly the entire fleet, are being recalled to Polaris Deep. The Cerberus has been dispatched to the last known coordinates of the Lunar Griffon.

Aire paused, conspicuously looking away from the final image of the Lunar Griffon on the viewer.

Aire: Take that off the screen.

The image disappeared, but Aire did not say more.

Sorchae: Any chance for the Lunar Griffon?

Aire: Very little, but we have to know. We're tracking the Blood Agony and it's already moved off from that area at Q3. The admiralty is theorizing that is as fast as it can go. The energy it would take to move that thing must be enormous.

Trex: And you mentioned "nearly" all ships, Captain?

Aire: The Frozen Flame, to use an example, has no weapons yet, so it'll be used for logistics outside of any battle zones. All 482 fully-commissioned vessels will be headed for Polaris Deep.

Reylen: Shall I inform my contacts, Captain?

Aire: Our government is briefing yours as we speak. I'm sure there will be a role for you as we go forward.

Nalma: Do we have a strategy?

Aire let out a deep breath and glanced around at everyone on the bridge.

Aire: What I'm about to say does not leave this bridge, at least for now. We do not have a strategy at present. Tokki, dragon, and Carpathian scientists and engineers have been pouring over the blueprints that Aionaptara gave us but have only found minor weaknesses so far. The good news is that the ship is slow. It will take weeks, if not months, for it to reach anything important. We still have time. The bad news is that the Blood Agony has already dispatched some of their regular ships and they are as fast as we remember. Most of them are in formation around the Blood Agony, but several have fanned out. We will need to intercept them.

Phobos: Will the dragons be coming to help? The tokki?

Ryuu: The dragons are coming! We have two ships ready to go now. What we lack in weapons, we make up for in speed. If and when Lazmaedia shows up, we will be right on her, but for now, we'll be doing reconnaissance. We can fly in, get lots of scans, and get out before they even know what happens.

Aire: And that is our strategy in a nutshell. For now, we will gather intel, prevent their ships from getting near sensitive areas, and battle drills. Lots and lots of battle drills. Check your tablets for your individual orders. Everyone has a job to do. The situation is very fluid right now. We're heading to Polaris Deep, but that could change in an instant, so be ready for anything. Kit, summon Cadets Bengal and Skeyes and also Tuomas to my ready room. Joust and I will meet them there.

Kit: Yes, Captain.

Aire: Trex, you have the bridge.

Ready Room, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

As soon as the doors slid closed, Aire let out a massive gust of air and let his body slump as he plodded around his desk and plopped into his chair. Joust, rather less despondent, at least on the outside, took one of the guest chairs.

Aire: The hardest part of the job is projecting confidence when there's little to project. How'd I do?

Joust: You were honest and delivered just the right amount of information. Nobody needs to know that we're negotiating with Tokkastra to be refugees there.

Aire: I hope it doesn't come to that. I'd rather like to keep a little bit of optimism tucked away. A ship that big has to have some flaw we can exploit. I'm sure the Elai Enclave will send ships to fight if we find a weakness. Hopefully more will join.

Joust: They should. Lazmaedia isn't going to let them be if she manages to deal with us.

Aire: Which means our refugee status will likely be short.

Joust: And that means that we need to win while we're at full strength. We should assign Phobos to go over the Blood Agony blueprints full time. He's been studying them already, but we need to make full use his brain now.

Aire nodded and pressed his comm button to the bridge.

Aire: Good idea. Phobos to the ready room.

Joust: Yes, we should have a minute or two before the cadets arrive.

The door chime sounded and Aire ushered Phobos in right away.

Phobos: Reporting as ordered, Captain.

Aire: Phobos, your new orders are to study the Blood Agony blueprints full time. Your first task is to identify those who can help the most and we will take that into strong consideration when we adjust the duty roster.

Phobos: Understood, Captain. I will have a list for you within the hour.

Aire: Very good, Ensign. Dismissed.

Phobos: Yes, Captain.

Phobos turned and headed out the door and back down the stairs.

Joust: I expect he'll pick Sylvar. We can suggest it if he doesn't.

Aire: I'm positive he will. No need to give it another thought.

The door chime again, this time from the other door, not the one leading to the stairs.

Aire: That must be the cadets. Enter!

As the door slid open, Joust jumped out of his seat and took his place hanging from the ceiling next to Aire.

Aire: All three of you. Perfect. Have a seat. Sorry, but one of you will have to stand.

Tuomas, Darius, and Mikado all had quick glances at each other.

Mikado: I'll stand. You both can sit.

The other two nodded and sat in the guest chairs while Mikado took position in between them.

Aire: The news is spreading fast, so you'll hear it elsewhere soon. The Blood Agony has appeared in Carpathian space and it's headed for Berengaria.

Aire paused while the cadets and Tuomas cast quick side-eyes at each other.

Aire: You came here to be explorers and to hone your skills, not to get into a war. We're on our way to Polaris Deep now. All three of you have the option to leave when we get there.

Another pause. Tuomas maintained his position, but looked away. Darius wrung his paws together. Mikado took a step forward and raised his hand.

Aire: Speak your mind, Cadet.

Mikado: If Lazmaedia is able to take Carpathia, she'll go after Tokkastra next, right?

Joust: We can't know for sure, but we think it is likely.

Mikado: I know my enclave won't volunteer to help. If there's one thing they're good at is pretending like problems don't exist. I'm staying.

Now, Darius spoke, his voice shakier, a stark contrast to Mikado's brazen confidence.

Darius: I'm s...staying too. I have to do what I can to help.

Tuomas: I'll stay too. I'll keep painting, but let me know if you need my fire abilities. The dragons trained me, so I can be useful.

Aire: I appreciate the offer. I'd say there's a good chance we'll take you up on it. I appreciate all of you. In addition to the unknown that awaits us, we will also be doing frequent battle drills. I will inform your commanding officers to include you. Tuomas, I need you to stay for a bit longer. Cadets, you're dismissed.

Darius stood and joined Mikado.

Darius and Mikado: Yes, Captain!

Aire waited for the duo to leave before turning his full attention back to Tuomas.

Aire: Right, let's chat about your skills. When battle comes, I want you doing something, no matter how small. What are you comfortable with?

Tuomas rested his head in his hand.

Tuomas: Erm... I can build really good sand castles?

Joust: This is gonna take awhile.

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