Carpathia IV: Episode 273 - Sneak Attack

Bridge, NCCS Cerberus, A Week Later

Darkness all around, with nothing more than red lights and the glow of computer screens to illuminate the area. The crew was silent with only the usual bleeps from the consoles and hum of the engines providing ambient noise. But there was one more noise, far more ominous, the groans of a stressed hull under heavy pressure. Outside of the front window, darkness, speckled with curious fish swimming by, some stopping to stare inside.

Azrael: Lyari, do we still have weapons lock on the Vashta ship?

Lyari: We do, Captain.

Azrael: Commander, Current orientation.

Riven: They're headed in our general direction rather slowly, but 14 degrees off our starboard, altitude 4100 meters. It appears that they are not able to detect us down here.

Azrael: Our intel on their sensor capabilities appears correct. I would still rather not risk detection. Can we go deeper?

Riven tapped and swiped at his console, examining several readings.

Riven: I wouldn't recommend it. The shields are not designed to keep out water. All of the pressure is directly on the hull.

Azrael: Understood, Commander. Be ready on engines to charge all weapons when the Vashta starts moving away from us. We must close the distance quickly.

Riven: We will be ready, Captain.

Again, heads down, buried in their consoles, leaving nothing more than the ambient noises and the water pressure on the hull. Minutes passed, until time time for action came.

Lyari: The Vashta ship is moving away, 37 degrees off port, 5400 meters, 520km/h.

Azrael: Charge all weapons and lock on target. Close on vashta ship, full thrusters.

Riven: Focus, everyone! Everything is going to happen fast!

The bridge lights rose, engines powered up, and the darkness outside the window gradiated into light until the ship burst through the surface with a speed so great that the ship carried the water with it for several hundred meters before sliding off the hull.

Azrael: Fire everything as soon as we're in range.

The Cerberus closed the distance quickly and the Vashta ship only had enough time to make a quarter turn, if even that, before bearing the full brunt of the ship's weaponry. Plasma cannons, disruptors, and antimatter warheads sprayed out of the Cerberus, looking like someone had set a bomb inside a grain silo. The Vashta ship's shields fell quickly and it only managed to get off a few shots before succumbing to the Cerberus's relentless barrage.

Riven: She's losing attitude control. She's going down!

Azrael: Get us out of here. Half induction. Viewer on and locked onto the Vashta ship.

The Cerberus zipped away, clearing the planet's atmosphere within seconds while the viewer showed the Vashta ship struggle with the planet's gravity only to lose and slam into the side of a mountain. They didn't need the viewer to see the explosion, for it took out half the mountain range in a light show so bright that it momentarily eclipsed the entire planet. When the maelstrom cleared, all that was left was a massive crater. Even most of the dust had been vaporized on impact.

Riven: That confirms something else Voxx told us, that these ships don't always make a temporary black hole when they explode.

Azrael: That is good news. There's been enough damage to that planet already. Are there any other Vashta ships in the vicinity?

Lyari: None, Captain, but there are some uncomfortably close to the Chrono Blade. I recommend we provide support.

Azrael: Lay in a course and engage. Commander, join me in my ready room to brief Admiral Zhang. Lyari, you have the bridge.

Lyari: Yes, Captain.

Azrael and Riven rose and headed to the ready room while the tactical officer took the captain's chair. Azrael took his seat behind the desk while Riven occupied a guest chair. Azrael tapped at his console for a moment and waited.

Azrael: It'll probably take at least a few minutes for Admiral Zhang to respond. She is busy.

Riven leaned back in his chair and let out a bit of a sigh.

Riven: In that case, would you mind if I asked you a question on an unrelated subject?

Azrael: Go ahead, Commander.

Riven: I know I've only been here for a few months, but I have observed that you often use the names of other crew members, but I don't think I've ever heard you say mine.

Azrael looked away, both from his monitor and from Riven, staring off into space.

Azrael: I presume that you have read my file?

Riven: I have! Ages ago, when I was just an ensign. I admire your unusual life trajectory. It can't have been easy transitioning between your old life and this one.

Azrael: Indeed, it took a considerable amount of studies to make up for my lack of education, but that is not the issue. I served the one you know as the great and final King. I knew him as my Prince and I would have taken out my sword and disemboweled myself before saying his name without at least preceding it with his title. I selected you for this position because you're ideal for the job and it is my fault that I have not been able to adjust. I shall make a better effort.

Riven: My apologies, Captain Azrael. I should have guessed. Please do not worry yourself over it.

Azrael: There is no need for apologies...

Azrael's face contorted and, for a moment, he appeared as though he could not breathe.

Azrael: R... Riven.

Riven smiled, not just because Azrael used his name for the first time, but also because it was the first time he'd ever seen him blush.

Riven: As long as we're confessing, I read more than just your file. I read all about you before I joined the ship. I have to admit that I nearly pissed myself when I got the call that the legendary Azrael wanted me as first officer.

Azrael: It pleases me that I have this reputation, but I do not believe I deserve the status of "legendary." I simply did my duty.

Riven: I believe you have more of an impact on King Riven than you know.

Interrupting their conversation was a beep at the console.

Azrael: That will be Admiral Zhang.

Bridge, NCCS Shadowdancer-A

Shadowdancer spent its time docked at a small space station evacuating the scientists within. Towards the end of this procedure, Aire emerged from his ready room and bounded down the stairs.

Aire: Tactical update.

Nalma: Evacuation nearly complete. There are no Vashta ships in the vicinity.

Aire made straight for his chair and sat.

Aire: Good. I just received word that Captain Azrael has dispatched a vashta ship by hiding inside an ocean and conducting a sneak attack.

Amenaru: That's incredible. What else do we know?

Aire: The Vashta ship could barely fight back and the Cerberus suffered little damage. We have confirmed that Vashta sensors are inferior to our own. Despite several passes over the Cerberus's position, the Vashta ship could not detect them.

Nalma: That is a good tactical advantage.

Aire: Very much so. Detailed readings from the battle have already been sent to you. Study them. The Vashta ship also did not create a black hole when it exploded. Even Voxx doesn't know exactly what causes them to do that or not, but, the data is yours. Study that too.

Nalma: Understood, Captain.

Aire: Joust, how much longer for the evac?

Joust: Another half hour, Captain. It's the sensitive equipment and data that's slowing us down.

Aire: Good. Look for ways to speed that up. Our orders are to deploy to the Cytosia sector as soon as we're done here.

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