Carpathia IV: Episode 292 - Giving Thanks
Teek's Quarters, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
To the layperson, one might think that Teek was playing a very elaborate video game. Dim lights. Replica console of a ship's helm. Massive wraparound screen. Teek was in full concentration, grip tight on the yoke, eyes firmly glued to the screen. So engrossed he was in his simulation that he let out a little yelp and a jump when the door chime sounded. Teek hit his door intercom button after settling himself.
Teek: One moment!
Teek picked up a towel and threw it over his shoulders, just to make him a bit less naked than he was, as he was only wearing shorts otherwise. His quarters was one of the very few places on the ship where he didn't have to wear something with heating pads. As decent as he was going to be, Teek opened the door to his helm simulator and stepped into his quarters.
Teek: Come in!
The door slid open revealing Quenya on the other side. She stepped inside with her hands clutched in front of her body.
Quenya: I'm sorry. Is this a bad time?
Teek: Not at all! Erm...
Teek panned back and forth around his room, at the mess of action figures and trading cards strewn everywhere looking for a place to sit.
Quenya: It's okay. I just wanted to stop by to say thank you.
Teek lowered his head, a slight smile spreading across his face as he reached up and absentmindedly scratched the back of his head.
Teek: I suppose I could say I was just following orders, but I'd have volunteered regardless.
Quenya: Orders or not, I'm glad it was you.
Quenya fanned herself while Teek continued looking for a place to sit.
Quenya: Warm in here, isn't it?
Teek: 35 degrees. I can turn it down if you like.
Quenya: Not at all! I'm the one in your space after all.
Quenya noticed the door to the simulator room to the side.
Quenya: You have bigger quarters than most ensigns, don't you?
Teek: Oh, the Chief of Helm gets a private simulator. Do you want to see?
Quenya: Yes! If you don't mind, of course.
Teek nodded and showed Quenya into his simulator room, which was far cleaner, and less embarrassing, than the rest of his quarters, making him that much happier to show her in. Though not a huge room, it replicated the helm perfectly and the screens gave it a much wider feeling of depth than it really had. Quenya looked around in awe.
Quenya: Now, don't lie. You play games in here sometimes, don't you?
Teek: Guilty! But who wouldn't, really? Wanna sit in the chair?
Quenya: Hell yeah, I do!
Maybe it was the heat, Teek thought, but Quenya's hesitancy was rapidly dissolving and she became more like herself again, bounding into the chair and immediately playing with the controls. Though there was nothing happening on the screen, she turned the yoke as though she were flying a ship herself.
Teek: It feels pretty much exactly like the one on the bridge.
Quenya: Well, I should hope so.
Teek waited patiently for Quenya to notice. Everyone take a little time, but they all notice eventually and he silently counted the seconds in his head until, finally, Quenya started feeling around the back of the yoke handles.
Quenya: There's a bucket of little buttons and other things back here. What do they do?
Teek nodded and reached over to activate the console.
Teek: Right, let me show you. Quantum speeds are easy. Just straight ahead. It's low speed maneuvering that takes practice.
The screen took a little time to boot up and now they were surrounded by a simulated starfield and the ship's nose in the center.
Teek: Simple controls first. Back on the yoke for forward, push for back. Left and right to turn.
Quenya: Okay. I'll try.
Quenya moved the yoke around and the simulated ship responded as expected.
Teek: Now start pushing the buttons.
As Quenya started randomly pressing the buttons on the back of the yoke, the ship began to move erratically. The more she pushed, the more out of control the ship became.
Teek: The Shadowdancer has 36 thrusters, one button for each. These sliders let me use several thrusters at once. If I move the large slider to any position, I can hit five of the thrusters with one finger.
Quenya fiddled around even more with the buttons until the screen started to flail around with no hope of recovery. Finally, everything turned red with a giant message front and center, "Shadowdancer destroyed." Teek grinned and teased with faux concern.
Teek: Oh no! You killed us all!
Quenya smiled back as best she could, but her mind instantly flashed back to herself on the Blood Agony answering all of The Hand's questions. Teek did not appear to see through the melancholy when she responded.
Quenya: Seems I did. How do you do it?
Teek shrugged.
Teek: Practice and study. Same as you doing all the things you do with the engines.
I suppose so. Of course I know how our engines work, but I never gave much thought of how you would control all 36 thrusters. I appreciate what you do even more now.
Teek: I appreciate that. Say, it's about lunch time. Do you want to go to the canteen? I'll just need a minute to change.
Quenya thought for a second before replying with a smile.
Quenya: There are more people I want to thank, but you're right. Food first. Let's go.
Quenya stood while Teek switched off the simulator. After a change of clothes, they headed to the canteen together.

Sick Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
In the reception room in sick bay, Sorchae stood before Aire with her arms folded across her chest and her head down, but still looking him right in the eye. If she were wearing glasses, she'd be glaring at him over the top of the frames.
Sorchae: Aire, it has only been three days since the rescue. Mikado is still recovering and dealing with this new reality. Now isn't a good time.
Aire cowed under Sorchae's withering glare.
Aire: I understand, Sorchae, but it's important to do this before we reach Polaris Deep tomorrow. If not now, it may never happen.
Sorchae sighed deeply and rubbed her forehead. She then dragged Aire into an unused examination room and closed the door.
Sorchae: You don't think you're going to be Captain tomorrow, do you?
Aire sputtered for a bit before finally finding his words.
Aire: What did Joust say?
Sorchae: Don't blame him. He got a conk on the noggin and said some things, one of which being that you went against orders to conduct the rescue. I paid it no mind until just now.
Aire: I know what you must be thinking, Doctor, that this is an ego thing. Honestly, you wouldn't be wrong. If my captaincy ends tomorrow, then I would like for this to be my last act. That said, if I don't give this to him, he may never get one. He deserves it and with all this chaos, he may be forgotten.
Sorchae: Fine. What's your plan then? I'm not having you put on a big ceremony. Frankly, I won't be keen on even asking him to leave his room right now.
Aire: I won't do any of those things. A quick ceremony. Quenya and Sylvar would like to be there if that's okay. They've been itching to thank him. I'm sure Darius would like to be there too.
Sorchae: That will be acceptable. When Quenya and Sylvar are ready, just let me know.
Aire: I can have them down here in a few minutes if that's okay.
Sorchae: Best to get this done sooner than later. We'll be ready.

Mikado's room, Sick Bay, NCCS Shadowdancer-A
Sitting up in his bed with a small table and tray suspended over him, Mikado was just finishing up the last bites of his lunch, apple sauce and tapioca, still getting used to dealing with just one hand. No more holding a drink in one hand and a fork in the other. He found it annoyingly frustrating to have to put down his fork every time he wanted a drink of juice. As he set down his fork for the last time, the door opened and Darius walked in, looking very cheery.
Darius: How is my favorite patient?
Mikado responded with a grunt while Darius cleared the tray from his table.
Darius: Let's just take that away, shall we?
Mikado: Darius, you don't have to make such a fuss over me.
Darius: Of course I do! You're my best friend.
Darius set the tray onto another table off to the side and started tidying up, not that there was much to do. Mikado was in no fit state to make a mess after all.
Darius: Captain Valro will be here in a moment, so I'm just getting things sorted. Do you remember anything more?
Mikado: Nothing from the moment... all this happened.
Mikado pointed at his missing bits before continuing.
Mikado: I remember everything before that and bits starting from when they took me into the triage bay.
Darius: Sounds like your brain is in good shape. Remember that I'm here anytime you want to talk.
The door chime interrupted them.
Darius: Oh, that ought to be the Captain. Come in!
The door slid open and, indeed, it was Captain Valro, along with four others. Quenya, Sylvar, Dr. Teagan, and Tamati. All five gathered around the foot of Mikado's bed with Darius remaining by his side.
Aire: Mikado, there are many people on this ship who are grateful that you chose to join us, but none moreso right now than Quenya and Sylvar and they insisted on being here.
Sylvar: You're amazing, Mikado.
Quenya: Anything you need, just ask!
Aire held up a small box in his hand.
Aire: Right, so Dr. Teagan has advised me to make this short because you need your rest. Which of you would like to do the honor?
Sylvar and Quenya cast glances at each other. Before either could answer, Quenya shook her head vigorously.
Quenya: You should do it, Sylvar. I'll be right next to you.
Sylvar: You're sure?
Quenya nodded and Aire handed over the box to Sylvar. Both moved closer to Mikado on the opposite side of the bed from where Darius stood.
Aire: Cadet Skeyes, there are over a thousand people on this ship and I am grateful for every single one. You have proven beyond question that anyone can make a difference, regardless of rank. For your exceptional bravery and fortitude of character, I award you with the highest honor that a captain can bestow, the Sapphire Star.
Sylvar opened the box, revealing a shiny blue medal inside. With Mikado in his hospital gown, instead of pinning it on him, he simply handed the box to Mikado.
Aire: I promise you that every person on this ship is grateful that you chose to join us. We are forever in your debt.
Mikado's eyes turned glassy as he accepted the medal, managing only to croak out two words in response.
Mikado: Thank you.
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