Carpathia IV: Episode 79 - Hello Darkness

Space, Savea Pirate Ship

It could have been a bedroom in an average home except that it had no furniture aside from a couple of stray chairs sitting around facing nothing in particular. It had an ordinary door and and ordinary floor. The only indication that this room was indeed a cell was the skinny, blonde tokki shackled to the wall in the corner. The chains attached to the wall allowed him to kneel on the floor, but little else, only just long enough for him to dangle his scarred, bleeding body a few feet above the floor.

Kit didn't look up when the door opened, too weary to expend the effort. However, the scent and weight of the footsteps told him who it was.

Rhalma: We'll get you out of that distasteful Carpathian uniform soon enough. For now, I have a new collar for you.

Kit did not react as Rhalma reached around his neck and snapped the collar on tight.

Rhalma: They call us "bunnies," but I suppose you already know that.

There was a long pause, during which time Kit gave no indication that he heard Rhalma.

Rhalma: I had to look it up. Ridiculous creatures. To think that they continuously insult us with impunity.

Kit: I think it's cute.

Kit expected a slap across the face, which was the typical result whenever he contradicted his father. Though he prepared himself, it never came. Instead, Rhalma pulled one of the chairs close to him and sat down, crossing his legs and leaning close to Kit.

Rhalma: Yes, you might think that. That is what they would like you to think, as they desensitize you to their mockery. Not to worry. I am not here to punish you. You went out into the universe and have seen it. Perhaps you have not properly considered what you have seen. I can help you in that.

Kit: You've helped enough.

Rhalma shifted his legs to cross opposite and sat up straight.

Rhalma: I have not even begun. You remind me of myself at your age. Idealistic. Independent. I had a lot of anger and I learned to channel that anger into a productive force. I think you have much anger too, and that's why I consider you as my ideal successor.

Kit raised his head, slowly, for it took effort in his awkward position, to gaze upon his father's face to gauge his sincerity. Rhalma was not the sort for joking around and his deadpan face confirmed that this was no fluke. For a moment, the idea seemed tempting. Kit thought that he might pretend to go along with the training and eventually work to transform his family clan into something less awful. It was a fleeting thought, for he knew that his brothers and many others would rebel against him quickly if he did not advance the the old, tired Savea narrative. Tokki purity. No deviation. A world where everyone looked the same, talked the same, and acted the same.

Answering his father, Kit spoke softly at first, but his voice gained power as both his confidence and anger grew within him at the same time.

Kit: You talk, but the words are lost to you, buried under generations of platitudes and nonsense. You hear, but only the words and never the person saying the words. My way is mine and not yours to take. Your gods are nothing more than whining laments of long-dead authors from hundreds of years ago.

Rhalma jumped from his chair in a rage and kicked it backwards, sending it skittering across the room and crashing into the wall. Kit was sure he would be slapped this time, or worse, but Rhalma turned, balling his fists tightly.

Rhalma: Brave words, but why the bravery? I suppose you think your shipmates will come to rescue you? I have already arranged for that not to happen. Carpathia's Lord Anai can be very agreeable when I threaten to withhold my very generous financing and logistical expertise for her elections. There is much you don't know even about us, about what it means to organize and spend money in the right places, but you will understand. It will take time to drive all those flowers that the Elai clan and the Carpathians have put into your head. It was an unintended consequence of ordering the bombing of that club of yours that drove you into their arms. Perhaps that was a mistake.

Kit raised his head sharply this time, gritting his teeth.

Kit: That was you?!

Rhalma turned again and smiled knowingly.

Rhalma: You think I didn't know where you were? Nevertheless, I regret ordering the bombing, but how could I predict...

Kit struggled against his chains, bringing a look of satisfaction across Rhalma's face.

Rhalma: Does that make you angry? Good, good. Anger is what keeps me focused on what endangers the Tokkastran way of life, the polluting and poisoning of our culture. Everything I do is for the people and for our future!

Though Kit had heard this before from his father, this time, he felt overcome by how ridiculous it was and began to laugh. Rhalma's smile slowly disappeared until his lips scrunched up into his face.

Rhalma: Is that funny?

Kit: "For the people," you say. Is that why your office is decorated with precious gems and bigger than most people's houses? Is that for the people?

Whatever rage Rhalma held back until now exploded in a fury as he stomped toward Kit and backhanded him across his face. Rhalma's rings left a gaping gash across his cheek.

Rhalma: Those with influence who meet with me expect the finer things and besides, shouldn't I have some spoils for my efforts?

Kit: Not if you are the way you seem to think you are.

Rhalma scrunched up his lips further, if that were even possible, but kept his rage in check.

Rhalma: Yes, this will take time. First, we need to purge all that monotype foolishness from you. I trust you will be stronger than Seiwan was. You are a Savea, after all.

Until now, Rhalma had never mentioned Seiwan, Kit's former boyfriend, and Kit didn't even know that Rhalma knew of him. The hairs all over his body bristled at the mention of his name.

Kit: What did you do to him?

Rhalma: Me? Nothing. I simply told the head of House Shaslee that he needed to be persuaded to change his ways. Unfortunately, he could not endure and he killed himself last year. I expect that you will do better...

Every thought of engaging Rhalma with sarcastic banter immediately disappeared from Kit's mind as he suddenly started to pull violently on his chains, anything it took to break them free from the wall. The only thought that consumed him as he yanked and twisted, screaming fiery hatred, was tearing his father apart. Alas, the chains held firm, though Rhalma looked strangely delighted.

Rhalma: Good! Good! There's that Savea soul! You will be a worthy successor indeed! If you think you can beat me in a fight, you are mistaken. You cannot have caught up to me in just a few years.

Kit: Release me and find out!

Rhalma nodded and took a small device from his pocket.

Rhalma: Very well. The second phase of your education begins now.

Rhalma pushed one button on his device and Kit's shackles opened, dropping him to the ground. Instead of charging immediately for Rhalma, Kit began to laugh, a low chuckle at first, which quickly intensified to a maniacal cackle.

Kit: You idiot. Martial arts were required courses at the Exploration Academy. Do you know what happens when you combine Tokkastran and Carpathian martial arts?

Kit propped himself up on his hands and raised his head, revealing his murderous eyes. Even Rhalma was momentarily stunned, taking several steps back.

Kit: The answer is death!

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